Fall Boating Tips

Fall Boating Tips
Going to extend your boating into the Fall?
Here are a few points to consider.
Check the Weather
Colliding warm and cool air masses in the Fall cause conditions to change quickly. Autumn storms can approach fast and unexpectedly. Check the weather before heading out, check it during your trip and keep a watchful eye out for approaching storm fronts.
Dress for the Water Temperature

On warmer days resist the urge to wear summer clothing. Dress in layers that can be easily removed or added …and make sure that your lifejacket can fit over your layers. The water is getting colder, and a sudden fall overboard can be deadly.
Have Lights
Darkness comes earlier each day during the Fall. Don’t get surprised by it. Make sure your navigation lights are in working order and your emergency flares are not past their expiry date.
Carry a couple of waterproof flashlights to help you unload at the dock or ramp after dark – and be sure to pack extra batteries.
Plan Ahead
There will be fewer boats on the water at this time of the year, so don’t depend on your fellow boater to help you out if you run into trouble.
Wear Your Lifejacket

Fuel up Before You Go

Fall can be a beautiful season to go boating. Remember these tips and you’ll make every trip a round trip.